The birth, upbringing, survival, excelling in life – all have a common denominator. Connection.
Just nutrition, good health is not enough for a human to survive. We need to be connected. Connected with self, connected with the people around and connected with the Supreme Power, our Creator.
Research shows us that loneliness is on the rise, and that a lack of human connection can be more harmful to your health than obesity, smoking and high blood pressure.
In these busy lives, where every individual even though living as family or as a society is still disconnected. The increased influence of mobile phones, internet, striving for survival, in addition to the eroding family bonding are all contributing to the disconnection in our lives. Either we can continue to complain about the disconnection or alternatively we can take action and work on changing our lives.
genCHAMP chose to make a difference. Our team are continuing our research and studies on the core areas of life that we represent – CHAMP.

The ‘C’ in CHAMP represents connection. A core area that all of us need to work on to ensure we
are getting groomed to be an integral part of the society we live in and world at large. This not only benefits the people working on it, but the parents, friends, teachers and the community.
Hence, our focus is to creating an individual who is connected to fellow human beings. The question led us to explore where to start. An to have a connection outside we need to be connected to self. Hence, we start with helping individuals connect to self. Connecting to self creates awareness. Creates empathy for others. Creates gratitude for what we are and the blessing we have.
Climbing the ladder of connection, then genCHAMP focus on social connection. Social connection includes family, community, nature and every thing around us. Being connected socially helps us not only to reflect but also to groom ourself as an integral contributing member of the society. Understanding people is not just we benefit from by enlarging our acceptance and inclusivity but also helps us grow as a person who is connected and is ready to give more that what he/she receive. In addition, connecting with others is more important than you might think. Connection with our social environment can lower anxiety and depression, help us regulate our emotions, lead to higher self-esteem and empathy, and actually improve
our immune systems. By neglecting our need to connect, we put our health at risk.
The last but most important connection we work on is spiritual connection. As a human being understanding our limitations and at the same time thanking a supreme power for the blessings in life is a very important part of creating a person who is grounded and at the same time understand the purpose of life. We are not walking on this earth for just living a life but is here to fulfil the purpose of our lives. We are here for a reason. The connection spiritually helps us to understand this purpose as well as instil the values and morals that is required for a CHAMP.
The irony of the time we are living in now is that, while technology is advancing and we presume it to connect us more than ever, the smart phones and our screens are disconnecting us from ourselves, our environment and people around us and our creator. Technology need to be used to enhance our connections - not to replace it.
If you’re feeling lonely, know you’re not the only one. And that you don’t have to live in isolation. We live in a world with over eight billion people, and we all need connection.
genCHAMP is here to help. Let us CONNECT.
Clear and incisive review of the human connection. Appreciate for your thorough research and good luck in this and all future endeavors. 🌼
Great piece of writing. Indeed, at times like these, we tend to forget to value real connections. As you have mentioned, we all have so many social media connections, but feel lonely ultimately. Ensuring connection with one's mind, society and creator will help one discover themselves in a new dimension. Best wishes for genCHAMP